Dr. Rohan S. Valsangkar

Home >>Prostate Cancer

How prostate cancer (CaP) can be suspected  on examination of patient?
Symptoms due to CaP are often  indistinguishable symptoms produced by prostate enlargement. . In advanced stages of  CaP , it can be suspected by rectal examination.
How CaP diagnosis can be confirmed?
Prostate Specific Antigen PSA  test can help in suspecting between CaP  and benign prostatic enlargement. Diagnosis requires  prostate  biopsy  (done through rectum)
Staging (knowing extent of spread of cancer) of prostate cancer requires CT scan, MRI of pelvis, bone scan.
Prostate Cancer
Needle biopsy of prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer
How is CaP in early stages treated?
Prostate cancer is usually slow growing disease. Early stage CaP has multiple options of management. Wait and watch approach (no treatment) , active surveillance, radical prostatectomy, radical radiotherapy(with or without hormonal therapy)  are all accepted methods of treatment. This is a difficult decision and it depends on the detailed information of prostate biopsy, patient age, fitness level of patient etc. Each treatment options has pros and cons.  You can discuss these options with your urologist who can give  advice as to which option will be best for you personally
How is advanced and metastatic (widespread) prostate cancer treated ?
Though called advanced, the CaP at this stage can be kept under control for a reasonable period of time by hormonal therapy and /or radiotherapy/chemothrerapy.
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